If your facing financial difficulties then the first thing to remember is that your not on your own. It’s a familiar story for many. We are all bombarded with offers for credit cards, home improvement or car loans as well as offers to consolidate existing debt into one easy payment! Debts can easily spiral out of control. All to often peoples circumstances change unexpectedly, be it through loss of business, overtime or work, break down in relationships or simply increased expenditure.
You may feel your business is in a crisis. Worried what your bank may do or what action creditors can take? Need to know how your business debts may affect you personally?
We will give you the advice that best suits YOU. We could for instance advise you on an Individual Voluntary Arrangement and work with your personal or business creditors to agree significantly reduced interest free and affordable monthly payments. We could advise you how to deal with creditor actions; we could suggest how to safe guard your assets including your family home before it is too late. Alternatively we can give you advice on bankruptcy and how it effects you.
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